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Monthly Archives: October 2021

New Look and Theme for UASIGMACHI.org

What’s new at UASIGMACHI.org? Well, for starters, you have probably already noticed the new theme and overall look of the site. We’ve made some of these changes in order to create a better fit and look for the articles that are coming your way. If, for example, you are writing about crayons and coloring books, you wouldn’t have a theme that looks like something out of a western action movie, would you?

The same goes for any other “theme.” If we are going to produce content around home owner or construction topics, we’ll go with a “building” type of theme. The same goes for health-related topics. If we decide to produce work discussing fitness, exercise or diet (just as an example), you’ll see us put out a more “colorful” or food/fitness-oriented theme.

So, please come back to the site and stay with us during this new phase!